September 19, 2011

the weekend

i feel as though recently i have been a bad blogger.
and it's not that i don't want to blog or that i'm not interested in the whole blogging world,
but sometimes life gets in the way.
between non-stop class, work, and Daily Universe writing,
my life is pretty nuts right now.

i hate that my favorite hobbies are on the back burner right now.
but i'm determined to keep on going, and hopefully you guys don't think that i'm neglecting this poor little bloggy.
because i love you guys, and i love being able to talk freely on here.

anyways, a little thoughts about our weekend:

+the good: we had my sisters and their families over for dinner. i made this and it rockeeeddddd. 
-the bad: Chin spent almost two hours in the rain trying to fix our cars. yes plural. we had to have both of our batteries in our cars replaced. goodbye paychecks.

+the good: my best pal Eliza and I shopped in Salt Lake with her sister, and we had a grand time. i finally found a silk blouse!
+the good: spending time with Chin at the BYU-Utah game :)

+the good: even when we lose, i still love BYU.

 +the good: running into my freshman roommate. she is one of the most unique and fun people i have ever met. i actually want to be just like her.

-the bad: getting destroyed by Utah. it was actually excruciating to watch.

how was your weekend?

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