January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!
the rest of our christmas break and New Year has been relaxing and very festive.
we went ice skating and spent time relaxing by a warm fireplace.
we are now back in Utah visiting my family for a few days until school restarts. my parents are in town until monday and school resumes on tuesday (i am less than thrilled).

dinner at Hacienda Colorado (yum!)

since it is January 1, i thought it would be custom to share my new years resolutions.
i heard a statistic that if you keep your resolutions until valentines day, you will keep doing them the whole year. so all i have to do is make it to february 14th and i am golden until 2012!

1. run the thanksgiving point half marathon with kirsten
2. avoid dessert at ALL cost
3. improve my gpa by at least .5
4. master the art of french macarons
5. meet someone new every day
6. be a better wife, sister, daughter, and friend.

please share your New Year resolutions with me! i love hearing your goals and aspirations. it inspires me! i would love to hear from you. what do you have planned for 2011?


Anonymous said...

Mission 101 :)

Hayley said...

A half marathon?? Girl you crazy! I love your resolutions because they are realistice, you can definitely do all of them!! The dessert one might be hard though ;) (for me it would be!).. My new years resolution is to have more balance and be more efficient in everything I do! Hopefully I can actually do it!

Amber said...

You can do it! My resolutions are to say morning prayers and write in my journal at least once a month. I'm bad at both of those, so hopefully I can do better.

Kristie said...

I want to REALLY read my scriptures daily, take better care of myself (work out regularly, eat better), complain less, and give back to Peter more than I take. :)