May 7, 2012

Greek Quesadillas with Feta & Roasted Tomatoes

 There are some foods that I think even if I wanted to take out of my diet, there would be no way that I possibly could. 
The biggest one? Cheese.
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
I literally live and die off cheesesticks, I could eat sharp cheddar, pepperjack, and fresh mozzarella by the pound. Don't get me started on ones like gouda (the smokier the better), brie, gruyere and havarti. 
And last but never least, I literally could eat feta cheese every day for the rest of my life.
Needless to say I'm excited to try all the different cheeses over in Italy and Greece, I've heard you can't really beat it!

So let's talk about feta (because you all love it as much as I do right?). I understand it might not be for everyone. But you really can't deny that creamy, tangy taste that can add a kick to almost anything. 
Some of my favorites? Any summer salad, particularly a watermelon salad with red onion, feta, and a light vinaigrette. PERF.

Gorge any Greek food with feta, and I might as well be in heaven.

Which brings me to these quesadillas.
I wouldn't normally put Greek food and quesadillas together in the same category, but the combination is fabulous.
And don't be scared about roasting tomatoes. They are seriously so easy to do. All you have to do is cut up a tomato, drizzle it with some olive oil and salt, and pop it into the oven and wait for them to get soft and gooey and caramely.
Crisp tortillas with feta (feta on feta on feta on feta), mozzarella, ooey gooey flavorful roasted tomatoes, cool cucumber, red onion, spinach, and a little bit of spice. 
We topped ours with light sour cream, but a homemade (or store bought) tzatziki would be over the top amazing.
Maybe next time. 

Greek Quesadillas with Feta & Roasted Tomatoes
adapted from Annie's Eats
  1-2 tortillas per person (we use 2 per person because we layer our quesadillas for dinner. But you could use 1 per person and fold it like normal, not huge people)
2 cups chopped spinach
1/3 diced red onion
Sliced black olives (we omit simply for Chin, he won't eat them!)
1 1/2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
2/3 - 1 cup crumbled Feta cheese
Dried Oregano
Red pepper flakes
1/3 cup diced, seeded cucumber
1-2 large oven roasted tomatoes

Sour cream/ anything you want for topping

 Begin by roasting your tomatoes. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Meanwhile, chop up 1-2 tomatoes into large chunks and place them on a baking sheet. Brush or drizzle with some olive oil, then sprinkle some sea salt and fresh pepper (or just regular is fine).
When the oven is preheated, pop them in and let them roast for about 20-25 minutes or until they are sunken and a little bit charred on the outside.
Transfer the tomatoes to a cutting board and chop the roasted tomatoes as finely as you like. 

If you're making a 2-tortilla quesadilla, place a cooked tortilla on a flat surface and layer with mozzarella, feta, tomatoes, red onion, olives, cucumbers, spinach, and anything else you'd like (chicken or lamb would be divine!). Sprinkle with red pepper flakes and oregano, then top it all with another tortilla.

Place the tortilla in a heated pan (or grill pan or whatever you use to make quesadillas) on medium heat and brown the quesadilla on each side, making sure the mozzarella is melted before serving.

If you're making a smaller quesadilla with just one tortilla, just follow the same directions except only put ingredients on half of the tortilla, then fold over. 

This recipe makes about 3 large quesadillas (so 6 tortillas), or 6 normal sized ones.


1 comment:

Jane said...

Oh my GOSH these look and sound delicious. Your food photography is incredible too -- it's not easy to take pictures of food. I'm definitely not good at it.

Love your blog.
