June 8, 2011

miracle worker

that's what my mom is.
as soon as we found out about the wedding we went to this past weekend,
i started looking for the perfect dress to wear.
easier. said. than. done.
how does one find a beautiful, elegant dress that's 1) not way over my budget, or 2) looks great on a curvy mama such as myself or 3) is not hovering right below my butt or strapless or trashy looking? 
i mean, really, it was as if the textile and fashion industry was out to get me.
that brought about a good dose of frustration.
we all know how much i like to plan out my outfits.
so when may rolled around and i still hadn't found the perfect dress,
i started to panic.
so over Easter, LouAnn (my mother in law) came shopping with me to help me find a suitable dress.
after several hours we finally found this beautiful lace dress at Ann Taylor.
i always feel iffy about Ann Taylor. Sometimes they have beautiful, classic pieces rivaling J.Crew, but on the other hand, some of their stuff i find to be a little too old for me. and by old i mean middle age, so not really old.
but i still haven't even reached my quarter-life crisis yet people!

end side track...
so i tried on the dress, and it was perfect. except for one thing, it was unbelievably too short! i mean super short.
an already short dress doesn't mix well with someone's whose legs take up 3/4 of their height.
i bought the dress anyways, the shoes, and the belt, and hoped that i could figure out something to do with it.

long story short, my mom sewed in the bottom ruffle of the dress, making it the perfect length. 
and it became the perfect dress.

sunny basking in sisterly love

Ann Taylor dress, belt, and shoes, J.Crew sweater, Fossil watch, earring made by me

and just a side note:
i got a job! i am so excited.
i'll be doing P.R. for the McKay College of Education at BYU.
I cannot wait!


Shelby Clark said...

Hayley! Could you get any cuter?! I think not! You are welcome to be my personal dresser anytime you'd like to. :) I love that photo of sweet Sunny! What a happy dog! (And I can say that with confidence because I have met her!)

Amber said...

I love the dress! You look great! Congratulations on the job!!! I'm very excited for you.

Lynne said...

Wow! I had my doubts, but it really does look amazing! Also, you have a really sweet sister-in-law (Amber) who leaves you such encouraging notes!